Peak Performance Principles
"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
-John R. Noe-
High Achievers...
Make no small plans
Make no little plans, always seek for more. Its not about being ambitious its about not being conformist. Sometimes people forget about their plans or dreams because they feel it will never be accomplished. Well in order for you to accomplish a plan you will have to set goals to yourself. My mom once told me "dont let anyone else bring your dreams down, If someone doesn't laugh at your dreams your dreams are not big enough and they are not worth it. When someone laughs at your dreams or plans then you know you will determine those plans." If people are not laughing at your plans then you know you have to go back and rewrite what ever you have in mind sometimes all we need is to be reminded that we are all valuable and worth it, but no one will do it unless you dont do it to yourself. You have to learn how to love yourself and care for yourself, in order to be able to love and care for someone else. for example maybe you have plans for afetr high school but they are plans that have to be done regardless make different plans like saving up for a car, trying hard in college, anything that makes your plans different from everyone else's.
"Make no small plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized."
I will not make any small plans because i want to achieve i will always think big and go big like my mom has always taught me
Do what they fear
The definition of fear is an unpleasant emotions caused by a belief that someone or something is dangerous. It is only a thought inside of our brains. The only way to get over a fear is to actually perform the fear. How can you expect to be over a fear if you ignore it or avoid things that causes that fear. For example for someone that is afraid of heights the only way to get over that fear is to actually frequently go on high elevations, now you can't make your fear go away from night to morning it is something you have to work on mentally. If you get on a roller coaster and is just expecting to not be scared afterwards it won't happen. You have to prepare your conscious brain to understand the process of what is it that you are trying to do or trying to get rid of. Getting rid of your fear or overcoming your fear equals power,not physically but power to overcome anything if you are capable to overcome your fear you are capable of bigger things than that.
" Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You gotta keep going."
-Chantal Sutherland
I will overcome my fears very soon i have been growing mentally and i have a positive mind that i will not fail i will overcome what it takes in order for me to succeed
Are Willing to Prepare
Everyone wants to win, without even trying. In order for you to achieve a goal there has to be steps to get there a plan on how you will achieve it otherwise then how can we expect to just accomplish a goal. Some people state that life is just harsh and is not fair. What is not actually fair is taking the win when you know you dont deserve it. People always talk about achieving a dream or goal but all they do is speak and no actions are seen from them, in order for you to achieve and a successful person you have to see yourself as one. For example if a student takes a test on a monday had all weekend to study but decided not to study because he felt secure that he knew everything and would remember, and when he takes the test he gets a low score but yet complains about him studying all weekend to earn a grade he didn't deserve. When the student actually knows that he didn't study if he would of studied then the prove or evidence would of been on that test. Success won't come to your hand you have to go out and look for it until you accomplish it.
"Everyone wants to win, but not everyone is willing to prepare to win."
-Bobby Knight
If i want to be a high achiever i will prepare myself for it even if it means reading book that are outside of my understanding and doing research about what it is that i want to achieve i will do it because i want to be a high achiever.
Are Willing to Risk Failure
To achievements come from failure or experiencing failure. which means learning from our mistakes. Failure seems to be more public than success but only because that is what we perceive it to be. We try to avoid failure expecting the worse or even scared to be wrong or disappointment, but the truth is that we have to go through failure to get through success. No great success have ever been achieved without failure.when we think of failure we think of it as a bad thing or as a bad result of our actions but it shouldnt been seen that way. We shouldnt think of it as if we failed we just found 1000 ways that didn't work, but still in seek for the right way. Most of the people think of the cup half empty instead of it half full.Failing gives us a feeling that is not satisfying it is an unwanted feeling of disappointment or upset towards something that we put in work to or looked afetr for a long time . People who do achieve might of been on the verge or giving up but persevered and kept going. It is something that you have to mentally overcome in order to even accept that you failed or were wrong. Failure is not bad it only teaches us what is it that we did wrong and how is it that we can fix it.
"Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something."
-Morihei Ueshiba
I now know that in order for me to achieve my goals and dreams i will fail and have obstacles on my way but i can't let that stop me from accomplishing my goals and dreams.
Are Teachable
When teens say that their mothers always tell them what to to do or how to do something they dont mean it in a bad way they only say it to boss you they say because they know what it has been like to go through what they might not want you to go through.High achievers dont only go through hard times in life they also spend a lot of time reading, writing, studying, and listening to others. They want to apply what they know to others or others might be going through a similar situation. To be teachable means to know how to apply knowledge in another persons brain. For example in a jab. When someone gets promoted they have to know what how to teach a new employee and do their work at the same time. To be a teacher takes a lot of time because not only are they studying themselves but they are also teaching other students as well.
"Clear minded people should remain two thing two things throughout their lifetime , curious and teachable."
I will apply this by learning how to teach someone else that has always seem like a problem to me and i want to overcome it.
Have Heart
To have a heart means to be compassionate, generous and forgiving. Not only when it comes to others or to do an act of kindness but to yourself as well. For example someone can say" have a heart and feed your guts something," as an expression of you not eating and you have an empty stomach. But in this case it is used as a act of kindness as my mom says give or share what you have and you will receive it twice bigger.Also in the way of expressing love like the common saying says. You have to learn how to love yourself before you love someone else. It is something very true because you can't express something you dont feel or that you have not even experienced. For example you have a significant other who loves you and treats you just the way you like to be treated but you yet can't give that back to him or just can't express yourself that way is because you have to learn to learn how to love yourself in order to figure out who you are.
"Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret to success."
I will apply this by opening up my heart and also learning how to love myself before i can tell anyone else i love you.
I think think that all of these attitudes are all helpful in order to achieve and succeed in life. We have to learn how to love ourself before we can love someone else. If we want to achieve and accomplish goals we have to do what we say we are going to do not just say something and not do it.
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