What is Amway
What this business is about is being an entrepreneur. What type of entrepreneur? A eco-entrepreneur. Basically What we do is share to others what we do and we get paid for it. What we do is buy our daily needs from a company called Amway that has been around for more than 60 years. What is so special about amway is that every of its products are organic 180 days of guaranteed,it is all network marketing, and as we buy them we get paid for them. Not only that but it also has partnered stores for those who are associated with the company. In Amway there has been an organization created by Juan Ruelas who started the business for all Latinos and a system on how to keep your business growing. There has been said that 95% of the population side are in the poor side or most known as employees and the other 5% are those who are Business Owners and Investor. An employee exchanges his her time for money working from 8-10 hours daily, earning a minimum of approximately 2,00 monthly. The first thing done in America every 1st of the month is the rent. Within that comes bills and other small things to pay. You have not finished paying what you owe finish your check and are already asking for loans from the other check. When a business owner or investor only works from his neck and up, exchanging money for money. What they do is create a business, a business that someone can easily adapt to such as; Mcdonalds, Carls Jr. there is system created with numbers to pick what is it that you want. What this business invites you to do it change stores stop buying from where you dont get paid to where you do . Now we know that In any other store all products are made in a Fabric and are the products are given at 30% from what you buy them , but you can't just buy one you need to buy a palette. Within the fabric and sore there is National transportation, Local transportation , and publicity. In just those three they take up 70% of what you are charged in your regular store. Meaning that you are giving your money away and you are already doing this business but not for you for someone else who is getting rich and balling out of control. Now you can gain those 70% by just changing stores. The steps to do so are:1. Associate yourself with Amway
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